
Home Insulation


5 Tips for Winter Insulation

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on September 29, 2017

Preparing for Winter   As the summer winds to a close, you may be thinking ahead to autumn and all the wonderful things it brings: Thanksgiving, autumn colors, pumpkins… But at EcoStar Insulation, we’re already thinking ahead to the coming winter season, and we’re...


Hire a Professional Insulation Installer

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on August 20, 2017

At EcoStar Insulation, one of the top things we advise our clients to do when having a renovation or retrofit done on their home is to hire a professional insulation installer. And that not just because we want to work with you - it’s also because we know how important insulation is to the...


Lower Your Utility Bills with Home Insulation in Toronto

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on June 19, 2017

Are you a new homeowner looking for ways to save money? Well lowering your utility bills with home insulation in Toronto is the answer. Before getting into cost- efficiency, the concept of eco-efficiency is also important. Many may be foreign to it, but it is gaining ground and popularity and will...


Home Insulation Can Be Both Eco-Efficient And Cost-Efficient

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on May 31, 2017

Although it’s quite new to homeowners, the concept of eco-efficiency is going to get more and more exposure in the coming years. The benefits of eco-efficiency are threefold:  providing homeowner value through new technologies; measurably reducing energy consumption, and diminishing the...


The Home Energy Loan Program through EcoStar Insulation

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on May 13, 2017

HELP (Home Energy Loan Program) is a financial assistance program from the City of Toronto to assist homeowners with improving home energy efficiency, and ultimately saving money. For some homeowners, this could involve replacing an old furnace or upgrading the home insulation. Both of these...

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