2020 Green Building Movement
This blog is part one of the "2020 Green Building Movement Ontario” series we will be releasing in the next two months.
2020 started with a lifesaver growing movement. A movement is a group of individuals that focus on specific social issues. In 2020, the Green Building movement has been spreading around the world, from Europe to Canada.
About the Green Building Movement.
Because of ecological issues, and a large scale of environmental deterioration, government, and public attitudes have decided to participate in a movement. This movement seeks to protect the natural world and promote sustainable living.
Over the last years, the movement has evolved from environmental activist organizations into political participation in parliamentary institutions. This escalation and growth is aimed to protect the environment.
Just like the buildings, earth has its own insulation too. The earth’s layer of insulation is made of some gases that are called "Greenhouse". Greenhouse gases act like an insulator by maintaining the heat and warmth of the planet.
What is the goal?
Earth and buildings have one thing in common; we live in them. This is the reason that they are both called home, and home must meet some standards. Standards are the main cause to live a healthy life and improve the environment.
As mentioned before, the Green Building Movement seeks to protect nature and its original shape of being. But, what standards does this movement consist of to make the earth a better place? Here are the standards that must be met and every homeowner needs to be aware.
Ventilation Standard
Ventilation system cleans the air from smoke or other particles that can damage our health and the natural air. This is why we should use proper and fully functional systems.
Heating Standard
As for the heating standard, if the system does not work properly, it can lead to heavy air. Heavy air can be a problem that may affect your health and your family members. Even heating can be an issue for the standards of the Green Building Movement.
Building Code
A green building can also benefit from the building code. According to the building code, each building must be built and insulated in a proper way so the heat stays inside when it's cold outside and makes you save energy and money.
“Green” building materials
Materials are very important, as predicted in the building code. Your house can benefit the environment by looking for products made from natural and renewable materials or products with recycled content.
Structural Materials
Harsh weather conditions (snow, hail, rain, wind, hot weather) often cause the failure of green building structures. A structure must be strongly connected to avoid natural disasters.
Healthy home insulation standard
The healthy home insulation standard builds on current regulations and some existing insulation will need to be replaced with the time.
Insulated with an eco-friendly product
Nowadays the market has various insulating products, but not all of them are eco-friendly. To be eco-friendly you must use products that are made of recyclable materials and require less energy for production. These products may have specific advantages and disadvantages.
Their advantages mean that some of them are cheap, good thermal insulators, fireproof, good acoustic insulators or even completely recyclable.
Talking about the disadvantages, some of them might be a little more expensive than other materials.
The importance of Home Insulation
Insulation is beneficial to your wallet, home and the environment. When your house is cold in winter and hot during summer, you will understand the importance of home insulation. It has a myriad of advantages that we will outline below.
Benefits that help you understand the importance of home insulation:
1- Insulation acts as a protector for the environment.
Insulating your house with eco-friendly products helps mitigate climate change by reducing emissions.
2- Insulation reduces pollutants in your home.
Reducing pollution means less sick days and less sick persons, benefiting your health.
3- Insulation directly increases the value of your home.
A properly insulated home with other energy-efficient features in a house could be a deal-breaker or a deal-maker — when you are in the market to buy a new home.
4- Insulation benefits your wallet.
There is a lot of money coming out of your wallet when it comes to energy bills. Proper insulation helps the building maintain the heat inside.
5- Delivers comfort
Good insulation helps a lot on the exchange of radiant heat between your body and your surroundings, which makes your home, and you, more comfortable. Insulation ensures that conditioned air stays in, and the weather stays out.
Is Spray foam an Eco-friendly material?
If you ask smart homeowners, architects, and builders about insulation they know that spray foam is the best. Other types of insulations may seem cheaper but spray foam is superior when it comes to energy efficiency. Monthly energy bills will not be stressful anymore, keeping its warmth inside during winter and outside during summer.
For some homeowners saving money is more important, it might be more expensive than the other insulation methods but it shows its value by saving your money monthly.
The main benefit for the environment is that spray foam insulation is eco-friendly. It is considered environmentally friendly because you don’t need much to archive adequate R-values. It’s also possible to find polyurethane spray foam made from soy or vegetable oil instead of petroleum, a characteristic that makes it even better for the environment. Your decision to insulate your house with spray foam, besides keeping you warm and adding the necessary comfort to your place, it also helps mitigate climate change by reducing emissions.
There is even an estimation that was published by the Havard School of Public health. This estimation shows that if you insulate your home properly, there would be:
150,000 less sick days every year
210 less premature deaths every year
4,200 fewer asthma attacks every year
Our products are certified by GREENGUARD Gold Certification, which offers strict certification criteria. Children and the elders are safe because of safety factors that count for sensitive individuals also. The Greenguard Gold Certification has taken this in consideration by ensuring that the product is acceptable to be used in environments such as schools and healthcare facilities.
Why Us?
We at EcoStar Insulation strive to provide the best quality products and the highest standard of expertise. Our team’s professionalism and experience goal is that you never have to worry about anything less than thorough and complete workmanship. Our team will guide you from the consultation to the execution stage. Contact us for your free estimate.