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Hiring an Insulation Contractor Problems: Tips to Avoid Disaster

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on August 10, 2021

It is vital to do your due diligence prior to hiring an insulation contractor. Their job is to provide efficient energy-saving practices that will help you lower your energy bills and enjoy a more comfortable living, working, or storage space. With that said, the insulation contractors you will...


The lifetime cost of Foam Insulation: Less than you expected

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on July 30, 2021

Spray foam insulation is indeed one of the most expensive insulation methods on the market these days. The relatively higher cost is related to the high required standard of workmanship, the equipment required to successfully complete the installation process, and the impressive benefits a...


Is it Normal for My Air Conditioner to Run All Day?

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on July 20, 2021

In the hot summer months, the only solution we can find to keep our living spaces comfortable and cool is an air conditioner. It is not a secret that air conditioners are responsible for approx. 30% of an average house’s monthly energy bills. Yes, cooling costs and it does even more if...


Fiberglass Insulation Problems: 6 Things to Watch Out For

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on July 10, 2021

As with every insulation material, there are advantages and disadvantages. To start with, the benefits of home insulation include energy efficiency and a significant improvement of comfort. To add, home insulation keeps your home clean from pests and rodents and also your walls from moisture...


Guide to Spray Foam Insulation Cost 2023

Posted by Ecostar Insulation on June 30, 2021

What is Spray Foam Insulation? Spray foam insulation is a foaming insulation that insulates and air seals wherever it is applied. Spray foam insulation is versatile and can be used to insulation your roof, loft, walls and floor. It can be sprayed into an open cavity, like in new construction,...

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